We contacted our friends Derrick and Stephanie, who were our sailing instructors a few years ago, and motored 20 miles south to meet them in Miami. We so needed to see a familiar face and their encouragement was just what we needed to turn this trip around. We tied up to them so we could get a good night's sleep. We took their dinghy into Miami Beach and had some great sushi at the Lincoln Road Mall.
Today they are helping us locate good anchorages, marinas, and places to stop on our navigation charts. Books and reading online are no match for their first hand knowledge!
Tonight we stay here and tomorrow we head to Key Largo.
Here are a few photos:
New truck
ICW around Golden Beach area
Huge homes along ICW
Scenery along the way to Miami
Stephanie's cat Cooper lives on their sail boat.
He is a super brave cat.
He leaps from boat to boat like he is crazy!
Your trials getting there gives me better perspective for my minor travel inconveniences. Just think of all you' e learned just getting there! You'll be pros by the end!